Excellent wordless wednesday. I have lots of pics lined up for this time of the week, but I don't think I can get them through my censor (NLL). I will try....
Nlm – What are you? A Man or a Mouse? Come on, squeak up.
MST – That is not a true statement. If some rich person get richer, the underlings under him also benefit. The only ones who are not getting richer are the ones who wait for something to be given to them instead of working for it. Don’t get me started on a rant about politics. I try very hard to keep it out of my blogs, and it is getting more difficult. Socialism is so wrong and NOT what America needs.
Hot Lemon – It comes from the Japanese, “I have an election and I am going to stick it to you.”
I couldn't find that street sign last time I was in your neighbourhood, John, but I did find this one. I see you're still headed off to the right, as usual.
I know a lot of people who are working very hard and making a good go of it. But I also know people who are working very hard at multiple jobs trying to keep their head above water,and none of them offer health insurance. And if they do, it takes a good part of their paycheck. Something is not right here, Coffeypot. They're not looking for hand-outs. I think the truth lies somewhere in between the both of you.
It is hard to keep politics out of the blogs, and it's only January 2! Good luck with that one, Coffeypot.
I love the picture CooperGreen linked to....that is so funny! And CooperGreen, I know Coffeypot is one of those roosters with his bell in his mouth! He's just that sneaky!!!
Look, all I care about is the legalization of crystal meth. Until you can find me a preisdential candidate who supports this view, I'm going to continue to vote for Britney Spears for prez.
Sorry I haven’t been answering. I just returned from another dog transport to New Jersey.
Coopergreen, I taught that rooster to do that, but he got confused. I told him to tie the bells around his pecker, not put them in his pecker. I do that every year and sing out, “Deck my balls with bows of Holley, and tie some bells around my pecker, and hang some missletoe, too. Jam it in and listen to her holler, and I keep up until I spew.” The ladies love it – especially by balls slapping their ass with Holley.
e.craig, yes it is and the voters have proven it right, too. There are some good news and some bad news. The good news is Hitlery came in third and the bad news is Husane Obama won.
Gawilli, yes it is hard when I am so passionate about it. But I will try. Some! Kinda! Maybe!
When Darkness Falls, I laugh so hard that it scares me to death.
Hootergirl, J I don’t sneak. I cum with bells on!
MST, That was very funny. I’m impressed. For someone who doesn’t do humor, you do a good job. :D
BB, Britney would DO the prez, but I don’t think she will be one.
BD, I think Iowa just did. But the saying, “How Iowa Goes is How Iowa Goes.” She doesn’t have a good of a track record in picking winners, and she doesn’t influence the American voting machine.
Special K, Tagged me for what? Wait, here’s an idea. I’ll go to your place and see what kind of shit you have gotten me into.
Clickbait or Content?
Well Shucky Darn
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Then I posted the blog title,“If You Have Some Time, You Might Find
Something of Interest...
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*Troop A*
DOVER, N.H. – A Somersworth man was...
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Kamala Harris, former Democratic presidential nominee, is reportedly
considering running for governor of California. Based on conversations
related to this...
A War with Iran is Close It doesn’t mean that there will be a war, but
it does mean that nobody will rule it out. Pres. Trump’s overture comes as
Maybe a Compromise is Necessary
I hear both sides of the argument about Daylight Saving Time. I like
standard time. It fits my sleeping schedule better. Others like the time
change to l...
Doge Balz
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very reluctantly came to the conclusion that Donald Trump should become
Disclosure- Now Available On Kindle
Disclosure is now available in the Kindle format for all of your tree
huggers. Click here for Kindle on Amazon I …
The Momster Chronicles
Reflection SelectionLearn something about the past, apply it today, and
move forward.
The Man, The Myth, The Legend
Sir Winston Churchill was a statesman...
I. Adolph Oliver Bush closed Due to Covid
The closure begins today August 7, 2020, and posting will resume on August
17. The city of Sturgis has decided to have the motorcycle rally despite
the pan...
New location for this blog
As you can tell, this blog is totally screwed. I’m really sorry about this
but it’s totally out of my control. Until it gets fixed, I’m blogging over
at my...
Ice Can Look Nice
When there is an inversion and the fog rolls into a shivery valley it is
both dangerous and breathtaking.
Walking on the gravelly path seems stable, bu...
Dear Klort
Why do you tell people you’re trying to limit your social media while
you’e still active online? Oh, I know. You think I’m an idiot. You have
been wean...
*I know I've been lax in answering your comments but I've been trying to
get settled into my new routine here at "The Home." For some reason, they
want to...
Tuesday Feel Good Stories
Beretta 92S worn a lot and shot a little Woman shoots ex-husband during
domestic dispute in north Houston This happened in the 900 block of Glenn
Avenue in...
What Cancer Really Is
Cancer is an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells which results in
disease, says Google. Google can't feel. Cancer is so much more. It's
regret for ever...
On the back side of life
Things get harder. A lot harder. Or maybe for some folks life gets
easier. Not everyone has an easy childhood or early adulthood. My
childhood wasn't f...
Once more ... Into the relm of my grey goo!
Thursday 08 March 2018...
It's been awhile ..
Bet there aren't that many people out there that are still intrested in
what I have to say.
That's okay...
I'm sitting here, fresh cup of Jo, stogie in my paw and pondering this 21
to vote; 21 to 'buy' an AR style [ i.e., assault ] rifle; 18, 17 with
parents co...
Grateful That It Wasn't Worse
We got home from the hospital this afternoon... exhausted. Yesterday
(Monday) I had to undergo a hastily scheduled surgery on my replacement
shoulder afte...
I have joined EVERY Maltese rescue site for the entire state of Florida
with absolutely no happy results. I filled out adoption papers, got
references fro...
Well here it is again a new year is upon us. I know we all make
resolutions and promises to ourselves that we can never keep. Why do we
make them if we ...
Hello, It’s Me!
Whoa.... where has the time gone? I’m not sure any of my Blogging Buds are
still checking in, or is the world of words down to a mere 140 characters!
Lots ...
From The Cop Side: Command Presence and Confidence
Experience builds confidence which contributes to being an effective police
officer. Law enforcement officers (LEO) often deal with the worst of the
100 Words: Feast or Famine
*This week's 100 Words challenge at Thin Spiral Notebook is to use a food
colloquialism. I'm not sure how well I did this, but here is my brain's
A quick update---
I am still in the hospital, and I have to tell you --- my pain this time is
so, SO much worse than ever before. I understand it is because he took out
two ...
*Log Item - *My daughter, Emilie (princess of the 'selfie') is in town and
wanted to go out and fetch lunch. So we rolled out on the She-Devil and
On the 74th day...
The end date for Del's ride has been set for August 15, 2016, which happens
to be the 74th day of Ride for Recognition, which began on June 3,
1969--the 47...
Could Be A Temporary Visit.
My hands are too shaky to type now. I hate getting older although it's
better than the alternative. And of course Maggie has to go out. Seems I
am alway...
"Half The Power Of God"
I do not recall where or when I heard or read the statement that a police
officer's firearm affords that officer immediate access to "half the power
of God...
**(Virginia is a ghost in my head. A character that wants her story told.
She been plaguing me for close to two years now, and though it's still a
work in ...
Top 10 Workout Songs for June 2015
The Top 10 Workout Songs for June 2015
Familiarity and freshness are key ingredients in a workout playlist. While
songs from the former category provide re...
Forty Thousand Rifles
*From the Soldier side*: Back when I was a very young PFC (Private First
Class, which had nothing to do with any class) I was stationed at one of
the gre...
We were admin once, and young ...
So I want to tell you this one as a preface to the next story.
In my very first unit in the fleet, we had a company first sergeant we
privately refer...
The Vietnam War...I remember it well... My Chinook helicopter was coming in
"Low 'n Slow" to pull a lone African American soldier out of the jungle and
I'm baaaack (again)
Hey. How YOU doin?
It's been a long time, huh?
I apologize. I completely forgot my password until this morning and then,
POOF, there it was in the fron...
Excellent wordless wednesday. I have lots of pics lined up for this time of the week, but I don't think I can get them through my censor (NLL). I will try....
But with Bush, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. And the people on the edge fall into the black hole and disappear.
Yesterday's pictures was painted over a picture, but some are done from scratch on the computer or on paper.
when exactly, in the history of american politics, did "election" come to mean, "the best of two really bad choices"??
Nlm – What are you? A Man or a Mouse? Come on, squeak up.
MST – That is not a true statement. If some rich person get richer, the underlings under him also benefit. The only ones who are not getting richer are the ones who wait for something to be given to them instead of working for it. Don’t get me started on a rant about politics. I try very hard to keep it out of my blogs, and it is getting more difficult. Socialism is so wrong and NOT what America needs.
Hot Lemon – It comes from the Japanese, “I have an election and I am going to stick it to you.”
Cool pix over at Family Tree -- thanks.
LOLOLOL!!! Amen, brother. Amen!
I like you more every day. :)
Happy New Year!
I couldn't find that street sign last time I was in your neighbourhood, John, but I did find this one. I see you're still headed off to the right, as usual.
Clew, glad to see you lean to the right as well.
CG, I laughed at this one. Thanks for the thought.
Great picture, coffeypot.
I have enjoyed having more in my paycheck over the last several years.
I fear that will change in a year or so, though. So much for prosperity.
rwa, I agree. The Dem's will destroy the economy. Go up to CooperGreen's comment and look at what he did for me. Funny!
John, this post on Bits 'n Pieces is right up your alley.
True and to the point.
I know a lot of people who are working very hard and making a good go of it. But I also know people who are working very hard at multiple jobs trying to keep their head above water,and none of them offer health insurance. And if they do, it takes a good part of their paycheck. Something is not right here, Coffeypot. They're not looking for hand-outs. I think the truth lies somewhere in between the both of you.
It is hard to keep politics out of the blogs, and it's only January 2! Good luck with that one, Coffeypot.
Funny picture! If nothing else good comes out of this election, at least it will provide us with a lot of good laughs!! :)
I love the picture CooperGreen linked to....that is so funny! And CooperGreen, I know Coffeypot is one of those roosters with his bell in his mouth! He's just that sneaky!!!
Inside every older lady is a younger lady -- wondering what the hell happened.
-Cora Harvey Armstrong-
Inside me lives a skinny woman crying to get out. But I can usually shut her up with cookies.
I just saw what Cooper Green Posted, what a RIOT, I laughed myself silly!
Look, all I care about is the legalization of crystal meth. Until you can find me a preisdential candidate who supports this view, I'm going to continue to vote for Britney Spears for prez.
Clintons = sperm burping gutter slut and puss infected cum bubble.
Perhaps America will remain wise enough not to elect Hitlary.
I hope that Iowa reflects what the rest of the U.S. does not want.
I tagged you Coffey
Sorry I haven’t been answering. I just returned from another dog transport to New Jersey.
Coopergreen, I taught that rooster to do that, but he got confused. I told him to tie the bells around his pecker, not put them in his pecker. I do that every year and sing out, “Deck my balls with bows of Holley, and tie some bells around my pecker, and hang some missletoe, too. Jam it in and listen to her holler, and I keep up until I spew.” The ladies love it – especially by balls slapping their ass with Holley.
e.craig, yes it is and the voters have proven it right, too. There are some good news and some bad news. The good news is Hitlery came in third and the bad news is Husane Obama won.
Gawilli, yes it is hard when I am so passionate about it. But I will try. Some! Kinda! Maybe!
When Darkness Falls, I laugh so hard that it scares me to death.
Hootergirl, J I don’t sneak. I cum with bells on!
MST, That was very funny. I’m impressed. For someone who doesn’t do humor, you do a good job. :D
BB, Britney would DO the prez, but I don’t think she will be one.
BD, I think Iowa just did. But the saying, “How Iowa Goes is How Iowa Goes.” She doesn’t have a good of a track record in picking winners, and she doesn’t influence the American voting machine.
Special K, Tagged me for what? Wait, here’s an idea. I’ll go to your place and see what kind of shit you have gotten me into.
Are you OK, I miss you!
dog transporting is important.
You need a laptop for the hotels or wherever you stay.
OH, and THANKS for the compliment! :-D
I wish I could be funny! I would make that a new year's resolution if I thought I could soemhow manage it! LOL!
It will be interestin to see if the trends started in Iowa continue. Great photo!
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