Physic, Energy and Potatoes
I like potatoes. I like them cooked to where a small amount of salt is all
needed for seasoning, and covered with butter, sour cream, chives, bacon
and c...
2 hours ago
That was great.
Wow, now that was funny...I don't care who you are, that was funny.
CS, I thought so, too.
CI Dude, I bet you run into many blond antelopes in you cop job.
I equate this to the animal version of home delivery.
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA !!! rotflol!
too funny!
AM, no offence. (You know - the blond thing)
Moral of this story... Constantly looking over your shoulder to where you've been may get you to whwre your going before you want. The other moral... Be careful where you plant the damn trees, stupid!!
The antelope never appeared to be looking "over its shoulder." Always face-forward it ran smack-dab into that tree.
I believe the video should have been labelled, Blind Antelope.
giggles.. love a funny moment in the morning
cheers :)
That is so great!
Thank you for the morning laugh.
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